The classical Thanksgiving spread is a palate of flavors like no other. Warm, rich, savory, and indulgent, with plenty of slow-roasted meat, buttery veggies, and candied snacks to pick from. And then, pie, however you like it: pumpkin, pecan, apple… take your pick! Everybody has their own favorites, but one thing we have in common: what do we do with all these leftovers?
Sure, there’s nothing wrong with popping them in the microwave, but that mix-and-match meal gets old after about a day. Luckily, all it takes is a few slices of pâté to bring new life to your leftovers! Here are our favorite ideas for the weekend after:
Tomorrow’s Turducken Sandwich
Turducken is a complex recipe to execute, but you can easily make your own mini-version with Thanksgiving turkey, a dollop of Duck Rillette, and a slice of Chicken Ballotine! Serve on country bread or buttery rolls with a bit of cranberry sauce.
Flavor-Blasted Veggies
To bring more complex flavors to simple vegetable dishes, try pairing them with crumbles of pâté. We suggest brussel sprouts with Pâté de Campagne, green beans with Wild Forest Mushroom Pâté, or raw veggie platters with any of our vegetable pâtés. Stick to our vegan flavors, and your vegetarian nephew will thank you!
Magic With Mousse
Yesterday’s side dishes sometimes just need something savory to taste fresh again. Alexian’s smooth and creamy mousses can easily blend in, revitalizing a dish’s texture. Our favorite pairings are mashed potatoes with Truffle Mousse, stuffing with Black Peppercorn Mousse, and mac and cheese with Sage and Pork Mousse or Duck Rillette for added texture.
Dip Party
Got a bunch of gravy left and not much else? Any of Alexian’s coarse cut pâtés are the perfect friend for gravies and cranberry sauces. Serve ‘em up on your leftover bread and crackers, and enjoy Thanksgiving ‘til the last bite!