Picture this: it’s a beautiful summer day, and you’ve gathered all of your closest friends for a relaxing afternoon in the great outdoors. Everyone’s wearing their cottagecore finest and settling into a bohemian array of gingham blankets. Suddenly, an outcry: someone forgot the snacks!!!
This picnic season, don’t be caught unprepared. Here’s Alexian’s comprehensive packing list on everything you’ll need to throw the perfect photo-op picnic party!
At minimum, you’ll need something to sit on, something to eat from, and something to carry all of the goods. We recommend a thrifted top-sheet, a miniature cutting board, and a wicker basket. If you’re a picnic fiend, a specialty picnic backpack may be a worthwhile investment. And don’t forget utensils and cups!
While lying around in the sun is 100% an option, be sure to have some other props on deck. Say, a deck of cards! A book, journal, or portable paint set are also nice to have on hand. Finally, bring a small speaker so that you have full control over the vibes in your soundscape.
While you could just pack sandwiches, there’s something so luxurious about snacking away the afternoon. Apples, grapes, berries, brie, and baguettes are classic picks. And to fully satisfy your appetite, don’t forget to bring some Alexian pâté! Our most refreshing pâté picks for hot days are Chicken & Veal, Duck Liver and Pork Mousse with Cognac, and Earthy Mushroom. Pair with a cool Champagne or sparkling red Lambrusco, and you’ve got the makings of a perfect day.
Inspired to pack up for a picnic? Snap a photo and tag us on social media @alexian_pate!