May 2015

Pâtétaining: Fresh and New: Spring Wontons

Effortlessly gourmet – that's what Alexian is all about! Foodies already know pâté on baguette is a lovely appetizer – the bread's crisp texture and mild flavor are great accompaniments. But let's take the concept a little further and make something really unique – Wontons! Individual dumplings filled with savory fillings, wontons are the perfect way to savor the natural flavors of Alexian with a crispy crunchy twist.

It's a real French - Asian fusion! Wrap individual portions of Alexian country-style pâté, like Grand Marnier, in wonton wrappers. The popularity of mini servings and crisp wontons will help make pâté accessible to guests unfamiliar with it, too - a fun way show off the fresh flavor of premium pâtés.

Any of our pâtés work great and can be combined with vegetables, like shredded cabbage and scallions for added color, flavor and texture. Pâtés like our Truffle Mousse, Mixed Vegetable, and Tomato Basil Vegan Pâté also make delicious wontons - it's all about big time flavor in small packages!

Alexian Pâté Wontons

- Put small squares of pâté (about an inch wide) in the middle of wonton wrappers and close wrapper diagonally. Seal the edges tightly with a moistened finger. Any Alexian flavors can be used. Try offering at least two for variety - Truffle Mousse and Tomato Basil Vegan are a great combination.

- Heat about two inches of oil in a medium pot - Sesame oil works well – and fry wontons until golden brown. If you prefer baking, arrange wontons on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees until golden brown, about 10 minutes.

- Red peppers, shredded cabbage, onions, or mushrooms can be diced and mixed in to your filling for added flavor and texture.

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